Strata Energy Awards Scholarships to Crook County High School Graduates
Strata Energy, Inc. is pleased to announce the award of two scholarships to Crook County high school graduates.

Strata CEO Ralph Knode provides a tour of the Ross Central Processing Plant to Cort Ingalls, recipient of the 2018 Community Energy Scholarship.
Cort Ingalls of Beulah is the fourth Crook County student to be awarded Strata’s Community Energy Scholarship. This scholarship provides eligible recipients with $2,000 per academic year for up to four years of academic study geared toward careers in the mineral industry and related fields. Cort says he has wanted to become an engineer since 6th grade, and his GPA of 3.96, college coursework, and internships during his time at Sundance Secondary will certainly take him a long way toward that goal. Cort will attend the University of Wyoming this fall, studying Mechanical Engineering.
Strata will award the Community Energy scholarship to one new recipient per year, ramping up to an ongoing commitment to help up to four students at any given time in realizing academic success.
Brandon Clonch of Moorcroft has been selected as the first recipient of Strata’s new Opportunity Scholarship, a $500 award for general education and trade programs. Brandon will be studying Business Administration at the University of Wyoming this fall. Brandon graduated from Moorcroft High School with a 3.7 GPA and 58 college credit hours – nearly enough for his Associate degree. Brandon is also a multi-sport athlete and a musician, and he plans to turn his musical talents and business interests into a career in the music industry.
Strata will begin accepting scholarship applications for the 2018 awards in February 2018. Strata would like to thank all students who submitted applications for this year’s award.
For more information on the Strata scholarship program or the Ross Project, please visit or contact Strata Energy directly at (307) 467-5995.