Strata CEO Ralph Knode awards 2014 Strata Energy Scholarship to Jacy Grieves of Moorcroft High School.
May 19, 2014 – Strata Energy, Inc. is pleased to announce the award of the 2014 Strata Community Energy Scholarship to Ms. Jacy Grieves of Moorcroft High School. Ms. Grieves will be enrolling as a Chemistry major at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in the fall of 2014. As the scholarship recipient, Ms. Grieves will receive $2,000 per academic year for up to four years.
Selection of the scholarship winner was based upon the applicants’ academic record, SAT/ACT scores, and essays regarding the applicant’s personal accomplishments and interest in the uranium or nuclear industries.
The scholarship was created as an outgrowth of Strata’s “Community Energy” philosophy. A core belief of this philosophy is that a partnership is implicitly created with the communities in which we operate. As one measure to foster this partnership, Strata created the scholarship to provide opportunities for young people within these communities to pursue educational success. Strata will award the scholarship each year to one student graduating from a Crook County high school or accredited home-school program. Strata will begin accepting applications for the 2015 award in February 2015.
Strata would like to thank all applicants for this year’s award, with special gratitude to Byron Stutzman, Crook County Superintendent of Schools, for his participation in the scholarship selection committee.