Public Comment Period Underway for Proposed Ross Project Amendment

In April 2018, Strata Energy applied to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) to amend its Permit to Mine (PTM) and Source Materials License (SML) to allow for the use of low-pH recovery solution in the Ross Permit Area of the Lance Projects near Oshoto. In late November, after responding to two rounds of requests
for additional information, Strata received notice from WDEQ that the PTM application had been deemed technically complete and would be advanced for public comment and additional agency review.

Members of the public may review the proposed changes to Strata’s PTM in the Office of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality in Cheyenne and Sheridan, Wyoming or the Crook County Clerk’s Office in Sundance, Wyoming. Written comments and/or objections to the proposed amendment must be received by the Administrator of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th Street, Suite 10,
Cheyenne, WY 82002, before the close of business January 26, 2019.

If an objection specifically requests a public hearing before the Environmental Quality Council, a public hearing shall be held within twenty (20) days after the final date for filing objections unless a different period is stipulated to by the parties.