What kinds of permits are necessary to operate an ISR uranium facility in Wyoming?

In order to operate an ISR uranium facility in Wyoming, a company is required to obtain up to 29 permits and exemptions from various federal, state and local agencies.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) – Source and 11e.(2) Byproduct Material License

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Delegates authority over Underground Injection Control (UIC) permits to the State Department Environmental Quality (WDEQ), final approval of Public Water Supply System permit

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) – Approval of the Plan of Operations, right of way permit for roads, and notice of intent to explore.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) – Verification of wetlands delineation and proposed mitigation measures


Wyoming State Land & Farm Loan Office – Uranium Minerals Mining Lease

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality/Air Quality Division (WDEQ/AQD) – Air Quality Permit

WDEQ/Land Quality Division (WDEQ/LQD) – Permit to Mine, UIC Class III Permit and Aquifer Exemption, Wastewater Pond Construction Permit for the retention and sediment ponds, and the Mineral Exploration Permit/Drilling Notification.

WDEQ/Water Quality Division (WDEQ/WQD) – UIC Class I Permit and Aquifer Exemption, Permit to Construct Public Water Supply System, Permit to Construct Domestic Wastewater System, WYPDES Permit for surface discharge of excess permeate, Stormwater WYPDES Permit (industrial/mining), Stormwater WYPDES Permit (construction)

Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (WSEO) – TemporaryWYPDES Permit for discharge during well testing, Permit to Appropriate Groundwater for Monitor Wells, Permits to Appropriate Sufrace Water for Lined Retention Ponds and Sediment Pond


Crook County – County Development Permits for access road approach and emergency services agreeement